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Think Like a Start-up Game Workshop

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During this workshop groups will work in an interactive way in setting up their own startup company or MVP by using the principles, tools and mindset of Design Thinking. We can design the program around the topic of Sustainability. With this fun and high-energy exercise, participants will be challenged to think beyond their everyday routine, in order to come up with creative and innovative ways of designing a value-driven MVP.

Who should join?
The programme will be highly beneficial for Customer Experience, Product Design, Business Design, Strategy, Marketing, Business Development and HR teams.

Leadership & Management Teams of organizations will be able to Create Business Use Cases, Scenarios, Establish EGO (Expectations, Goals & Objectives) & Connect The Dots With Mission & Vision! Business leaders across the companies’ lines of business, shared services and support units will be able to practice design thinking to discover/ empathize, interpret/define, ideate, experiment/ prototype and evolve / test innovative products, processes and services as solutions to address stakeholders & wicked problems!

What all will be covered?:

  • A design-driven framework to build a sustainable value-driven MVP.
  • Learn how to align values with organizational models, culture, propositions, business models and customer values and goals; Practice teamwork, high-paced decision making, and designing with your end-user and creative thinking concepts.
The biggest learning of this challenge is for teams to experience how high-paced decision-making, collaboration and close contact with the end-user can lead to surprising and innovative results.

Certificate of Completion.

Get 10% discount on a group of 4 or more nominations! (Discount will be applied during checkout)
Only applicable for selected batches and courses.

Think Like a Start-up Game Workshop

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