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Project Managers Workshop - PMW

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 Session 1



  • Participant & Trainer Introductions.
  • Overview of Training agenda, agreement on Protocols.

 Project   Management-   some   fundamentals

  • Definition of Project.
  •  Understanding of various Project scenarios, Engagement Models.
  •  Portfolio, Program, Project – the constructs.
  •  Project selection methods.
  •  Project Triple Constraint.
  • Chaos report- Why do Projects fail?

 Project   Initiation

  • Charter, Scoping, Project Kickoff.
  •  Lifecycles 
  • Stakeholder Identification and engagement.

 Project   Planning 

  • Components of Project Planning- discussion.
  •  Project Estimation.
  •  Developing Work Breakdown Structure- concepts and principles  
  •  Understanding various types of Task dependencies.
  •  Resource Allocation, Resource Calendar.
  •  Scheduling Techniques- Critical Path Method.
  •  Cost Management – Cost estimation, Baselines

 Risk   Management

  • Risk Perspectives- Strategic, Program, Operational
  • Early warning indicators
  • Risk Management framework- Risk Identification, Analysis, Response, Monitoring & Control
  • Risk appetite and thresholds

 Vendor   Management

  • Need for strategic partners
  •  Vendor selection and performance management (measures)
  •  Vendor audits & governance
  • Managing Vendor Transition lifecycle and risks

 Customer   Relationship   Management

  • Customer Engagement (personas, customer decision making framework, experience touch points, relationship management)
  • Customer lifetime value
  • Building Customer Loyalty- the Net Promoter Score

 HR/Team   Management

  • Team Building, Motivation, Interpersonal awareness.
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Project Managers Workshop – PMW

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