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Innovation for Business Leaders

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Innovation is undoubtedly a buzzword in the world of business for leaders. Innovative business leaders thrive to create high-quality solutions with their innovative concepts in different industries. This Workshop enables Business Leaders to articulate different top 10 types of innovation that can be envisaged with a laser-sharp focus for different enterprises, organizations, companies and lines of Businesses.


  • Program / Project Management Office (PMO).

What all will be covered?

  • Apply Profit Model & Innovation In Business.
  • Apply Network & Innovation In Business.
  • Apply Structure & Innovation In Business.
  • Apply Process & Innovation In Business.
  • Apply Product Performance & System & Innovation In Business.
  • Apply Service & Channel & Innovation In Business.
  • Apply Brand & Innovation In Business.
  • Apply Customer Engagement & Innovation In Business.


  • Remember Top 10 Types of Innovation To Choose From For Enterprises / Organizations / Companies.
  • Understand Examples of Top 10 Types of Innovation.
  • Apply Best Practices of Top 10 Types of Innovation.
  • Analyze Lessons Learned, Tips, Tricks & Traps of Top 10 Types of Innovation.
  • Evaluate Top 3 Types of Innovation For Self / Line of Business / Department / Function / Organization
  • Create Enterprise Wide Innovation, Transformation & Disruption Master Plan.
Practitioner’s certificate.

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Only applicable for selected batches and courses.

Innovation for Business Leaders

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