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Design Thinking for Business Leaders

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Business Leaders must enable their enterprise-wide employees to resist the urge to converge quickly on a solution! Management Executives and Business Leaders need to encourage project teams to gather WIIFM (What’s In It For Me?) Perspectives and PoV (Point of Views) about Business, People, Process and Technology in order to link OKRs (Objectives & Key Results) of each employee’s work towards Customer / Consumer / Stakeholder Delight!


  • Program / Project Management Office (PMO).
  • Management Teams, business leaders and middle managers.
  • Shared services and support units.
  • Other roles who wish to think differently and contribute to better results for Product / Service / Process Innovation.

Leadership & Management Teams of organizations will be able to Create Business Use Cases, Scenarios, Establish EGO (Expectations, Goals & Objectives) & Connect The Dots With Mission & Vision! Business leaders across the companies’ lines of business, shared services and support units will be able to practice design thinking to discover/ empathize, interpret/define, ideate, experiment/ prototype and evolve / test innovative products, processes and services as solutions to address stakeholders & wicked problems!
What all will be covered?

  • DESIGN Thinking WIIFM (What’s In It For Me).
  • Business Perspective PoV (Point-of-Views).
  • People (Change & Culture).
  • Perspective PoV (Point-of-Views).
  • Process (Quality & Governance).
  • Technology (Tools & Applications).
  • Customer Delight.
  • StoryTelling! Create Business Use Cases, Scenarios, Establish EGO (Expectations, Goals & Objectives) & Connect The Dots With Mission & Vision.
  • Workshop Wrap-Up & Summary.



  • Remember Every Stakeholders’ Need To Internalize WIIFM (What’s In It For Me?) During Design Thinking & Doing.
  • Understand the Importance of Business, People, Process, Technology & Customer Perspectives To Effectively Practice Design Thinking & Doing.
  • Apply Customer Delight Perspective & Point of View To Connect The Dots For Business Innovation Results
  • Analyze Business Use Cases, Scenarios & OKRs (Objectives & Key Results) For Innovation RoI (Return-on-Investment).
  • Evaluate Innovation Vision, Mission & EGO (Expectations, Goals & Objectives) For Effective Design Thinking Practice.
Practitioner’s certificate.

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Design Thinking for Business Leaders

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