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Python, Machine Learning Data Science

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Course Outline:


Module 1: Introduction to Python:

  • Overview of Python.
  • The Companies using Python.
  • Different Applications where Python is used Discuss Python Scripts on UNIX/Windows Values, Types, Variables.
  • Operands and Expressions Conditional Statements Loops.
  • Command Line Arguments.
  • Writing to the screen.

Hands On/Demo:

  • Creating “Hello World” code Variables.
  • Demonstrating Conditional Statements.

Python Variables and Data Types:

  • Strings and related operations Tuples and related operations Lists and related operations.
  • Dictionaries and related operations.
  • Sets and related operations.
  • Tuple – properties, related operations, compared with a list – properties, related operations.
  • Dictionary – properties, related operations.
  • Set – properties, related operations.
  • Python Operators.
  • Demonstrating Loops.
  • Hands-on Session.

Day 2


  • Function Parameters Global Variables.
  • Variable Scope and Returning Values Lambda Functions.
  • Hands-on Session.

Packages and Module – Modules, Import Options, Sys Path:

  • Working Libraries in Python.
  • Introduction to NumPy, Pandas and Matplotlib.
  • Data Handling using Pandas.
  • Hands-on Session.

Day 3

Object-Oriented Concepts Standard Libraries Modules Used in Python:

  • The Import Statements Module Search Path Package Installation Ways, Errors and Exception Handling.
  • Handling Multiple Exceptions.
  • Hands On/Demo.
  • “Functions – Syntax, Arguments, Keyword Arguments, Return Values Lambda – Features, Syntax, Options,.
  • Compared with the Functions Sorting – Sequences, Dictionaries, Limitations of Sorting”.
  • Errors and Exceptions – Types of Issues, Remediation.
  • Hands-on Session.

Data Manipulation:

  • Basic Functionalities of a data object Merging of Data objects Concatenation of data objects.
  • Types of Joins on data objects Exploring a Dataset.
  • Analysing a dataset.
  • Hands On/Demo.
  • Pandas Function- Ndim(), axes(), values(), head(), tail(), sum(), std(), iteritems(), iterrows(), itertuples().
  • GroupBy operations Aggregation Concatenation Merging.
  • Joining.

Day 4

Working with Databases:

  • Connecting to Database.
  • Reading data.
  • Inserting Data.
  • Hands-on Session.

NumPy – arrays Operations on arrays:

  • Indexing slicing and iterating Reading and writing arrays on files.
  • Pandas – data structures & index operations.
  • Reading and Writing data from Excel/CSV formats into Pandas matplotlib library.
  • Grids, axes, plots.
  • Markers, colours, fonts and styling.
  • Types of plots – bar graphs, pie charts, histograms.

Hands On/Demo:

  • NumPy library- Creating NumPy array, operations performed on NumPy array Pandas library- Creating series and dataframes, Importing and exporting data.
  • Matplotlib – Using Scatterplot, histogram, bar graph, pie chart to show information, Styling of Plot.


  • Probability Distributions in Python.
  • Python for Data Visualization.
  • Hands-on Session.

Day 5

Working with Databases

  • Connecting to Database.
  • Reading data.
  • Inserting Data.
  • Hands-on Session.

NumPy – arrays Operations on arrays:

  • Indexing slicing and iterating Reading and writing arrays on files.
  • Pandas – data structures & index operations.
  • Reading and Writing data from Excel/CSV formats into Pandas matplotlib library.
  • Grids, axes, plots.
  • Markers, colours, fonts and styling.
  • Types of plots – bar graphs, pie charts, histograms.

Hands On/Demo:

  • NumPy library- Creating NumPy array, operations performed on NumPy array Pandas library- Creating series and dataframes, Importing and exporting data.
  • Matplotlib – Using Scatterplot, histogram, bar graph, pie chart to show information, Styling of Plot.


  • Probability Distributions in Python.
  • Python for Data Visualization.
  • Hands-on Session.

Day 6

Python Revision and Numpy, Pandas, Scikit learn, Matplotlib:

  • Hands-on Session.
  • Q & A.

What is Machine Learning?:

  • Machine Learning Use-Cases Machine Learning Process Flow Machine Learning Categories Linear regression
    Gradient descent.

Hands On/Demo:

  • Linear Regression – Boston Dataset.


  • Machine Learning concepts Machine Learning types.
  • Linear Regression Implementation.
  • Hands-on Session.

Day 7

Supervised Learning – I:

  • Algorithm for Decision Tree Induction Creating a Perfect Decision Tree Confusion Matrix.
  • What is Random Forest?.

Hands On/Demo:

  • Implementation of Logistic regression Decision tree.
  • Random forest.


  • Supervised Learning concepts.
  • Implementing different types of Supervised Learning algorithms Evaluating model output.
  • Un-Supervised Learning concepts.
  • Dimensionality Reduction.

Introduction to Dimensionality Why Dimensionality Reduction PCA:

  • Factor Analysis.
  • Scaling dimensional model.


  • PCA.
  • Scaling.


  • Implementing Dimensionality Reduction Technique.
  • Hands-on Session.

Day 8

Supervised Learning – II:

  • Learning Objectives: In this module, you will learn Supervised Learning Techniques and their implementation, for example, Decision Trees, Random Forest Classifier etc..
  • What is Naïve Bayes? How Naïve Bayes works?.
  • Implementing Naïve Bayes Classifier What is Support Vector Machine?.
  • Illustrate how Support Vector Machine works? Hyperparameter Optimization.
  • Grid Search vs Random Search.
  • Implementation of Support Vector Machine for Classification.


  • Implementation of Naïve Bayes, SVM.
  • Hands-on Session.

Day 9

Implementing different types of Supervised Learning algorithms:

  • Evaluating model output.

Unsupervised Learning:

  • What is Clustering & its Use Cases? What is K-means Clustering?.
  • How does K-means algorithm work? How to do optimal clustering.
  • What is C-means Clustering? What is Hierarchical Clustering?.
  • How Hierarchical Clustering works?.
  • Hands-On/Demo.
  • Implementing K-means Clustering.
  • Implementing Hierarchical Clustering.
  • Hands-on Session.

Day 10

Time Series Analysis:

  • What is Time Series Analysis?.
  • Importance of TSA.
  • White Noise AR model MA model ARMA model.
  • ARIMA model.
  • Stationarity ACF & PACF.

Hands on/Demo:

  • Checking Stationarity.
  • Converting a non-stationary data to stationary Implementing Dickey-Fuller Test.
  • Plot ACF and PACF.
  • Generating the ARIMA plot TSA Forecasting.
  • TSA in Python.

Model Selection and Boosting:

  • What is Model Selection?.
  • Cross-Validation What is Boosting?.
  • How Boosting Algorithms work? Types of Boosting Algorithms.
  • Adaptive Boosting.

Hands on/Demo:

  • Cross-Validation.
  • AdaBoost.


  • Model Selection.
  • Boosting algorithm using python.
  • Sequences and File Operations.
  • Hands-on Session.

Day 11

Introduction to Text Mining and NLP:

  • Overview of Text Mining Need of Text Mining.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Text Mining Applications of Text Mining.
  • OS Module.
  • Reading, Writing to text and word files Setting the NLTK Environment Accessing the NLTK Corpora.

Hands On/Demo:

  • Install NLTK Packages using NLTK Downloader.
  • Accessing your operating system using the OS Module in Python Reading & Writing .txt Files from/to your Local.
  • Reading & Writing .docx Files from/to your Local.

Working with the NLTK Corpora:

  • Cleaning using NLTK.
  • Tokenization Frequency Distribution.
  • Different Types of Tokenizers Bigrams, Trigrams & Ngrams Stemming.
  • Lemmatization Stopwords POS Tagging.
  • Named Entity Recognition.

Hands On/Demo:

  • Tokenization: Regex, Word, Blank line, Sentence Tokenizers Bigrams, Trigrams & Ngrams.
  • Stopword Removal POS Tagging.

Named Entity Recognition (NER):

  • Analyzing Sentence Structure.
  • Syntax Trees Chunking Chinking.
  • Context Free Grammars (CFG).

Hands On/Demo:

  • Parsing Syntax Trees Chunking.
  • Chinking.
  • Automate Text Paraphrasing using CFG’s.

Day 12

Text Classification – I:

  • Machine Learning: Brush Up Bag of Words.
  • Count Vectorizer Term Frequency (TF).
  • Inverse Document Frequency (IDF).

Hands On/Demo:

  • Demonstrate Bag of Words Approach Working with CountVectorizer().
  • Using TF & IDF.
  • Hands-on Session.

Text Classification – II:

  • Converting text to features and labels.
  • Multinomial Naiive Bayes Classifier Leveraging Confusion Matrix.

Implement Machine Learning along with Text Processing:

  • Hands-On.
  • Sentiment Analysis.
  • Hands-on Session.
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