This high energy 3-day course brought to you by QGLUE: A QAI Venture in collaboration with Design Thinkers Academy, India will give you a thorough understanding of the Design Thinking principles, key tools & terminology. The focus of this course will be on this hands-on part, ‘Learning-by-Doing’. The tools we will practice are fundamental in Service Design Thinking. Customer Journey mapping is at the core of this course: the interaction of the customer with the service.
You Will Practice the Following Tools:
- Stakeholder Mapping: provides you with an overview of the ‘eco-system’ that you are exploring. Stakeholders are people, teams or organizations that directly or indirectly exchange ‘value’. The exchange of value is used as the basis to explore the underlying services provided by the stakeholders
- Value Network Mapping: creates insight in the exact values that are being exchanged between stakeholders. Using this tool, you already will get a more detailed insight into the services being provided by the stakeholders
- Personas: are used as the basis for Customer Journey Mapping. Finding out about the objectives, behaviour, attitudes of people is very important for developing improvements or innovations of the services provided.
- Customer Journey Mapping: allows us to further step into the customer shoes. It shows us the customer’s perceptions and the larger context in which we play a part at the different stages of their journeys. It lets us be emerged in their world, their reality. Get a deeper insight into customer needs, perception, experience and motivation. This qualitative design research tool will provide you with customer insights to improve the customer’s experience.
- Service Scenarios: are used to visualize how a (newly designed) service is being experienced from a customer point of view. Simple visualization techniques are being introduced.
- Prototyping: is done to be able to test a service concept in a ‘low tech’ environment with relevant stakeholders. Prototyping can be done by building artifacts from cardboard or paper or by using Lego. Also role play is a powerful way of prototyping.
- Introduction to Design Thinking: Why Design Thinking?
- Research Setup: Introduction to ethnographic research and preparation.
- User Research: Active ‘on filed’ user research via observations, interviews, etc.
- Doing Mapping Research Outcomes: Elaboration of research findings.
- Doing Persona Building: Definition of initial persona profiles.
- Doing Customer Journeys & Opportunity Areas: Customer Journey Mapping, Customer Insights and Opportunity Areas; Definition of opportunity and creation of initial ideas with customer-centric perspectives.
- Doing Reframing: Creation of new design brief according to research outcome elaboration.
- Ideation: Co-creation of new ideas to solve the problems defined in the opportunity areas.
- Doing Service Scenario: Transform ideas in ‘Ideal Customer Experiences’ with focus on final user experiences.
- Doing Prototypes: Building a physical prototype.
- Doing User test: Test prototypes with users and refine services.
- Doing Refine Prototypes: Refine prototypes using user test feedback.
- Dragon’s Den Presentation: Pitch prototypes to broader audience.
- Doing Value exchange: Understanding the value exchange between the main internal stakeholders.
- Doing Mapping: Map the possible implementation strategies based on the analysed value.
- Closing up & Next steps: Roadmap for the creation of ‘Community of practice’.
There is no eligibility criteria set for the course. But it is essential to come with an open mind and be OK with ambiguity.
Jeroen has a MA in Dutch Theatre, Film & communication at the Radbound University of Nijmegen, and is currently a senior facilitator at the Design Thinkers Academy in Amsterdam. He is specialized in developing innovative climates in organisation: helping people find new solutions for business problems and designing and facilitating creative processes, brainstorms and positioning sessions. Jeroen has years of experience as a senior facilitator and creative brainstorm trainer at organisations.
Sarang is Designer in Residence for QGLUE : A QAI Venture & The Managing Partner for Design Thinkers Group India, with vast experience in problem solving, innovation and training, having worked with many large corporations in India. He has a total work experience of 10 years, across multiple roles in Consulting, Business Development and innovation, most of it with SAP. He played a key role in infusing Design Thinking in SAP India, in his role as Customer Innovation lead.