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QAI Campus’ on-site training is designed for organizations who have a training facility available to them. The date is chosen by the hosting organization, subject to instructor availability. The cost to the organization is less per individual due to no travel or room expenses for local personnel, and the cost of training reduced by no need to reserve a hosting facility. 

Course Offerings
All courses listed in the QAI Course Catalog are available for private/on-site training, dependent upon course availablity due to instructor, schedule, and/or content revision.

By having training performed at your own facility, this eliminates the hassle of scheduling and approving costs for staff to fly out to a given location. Courses are scheduled by you, with the only variation as a result of instructor schedules, so you will likely be able to secure a date that is most convenient for you, and maximize the number of attending individuals. Having the course facilitated at your organization also better portrays the training as a service provided by the company to its employees, rather than an independent function which must be sought out and requested. This reinforces the idea that your employees’ best interests are of your company’s highest concerns.

Advantage of Private Deliveries
On-site training is a cost conscious alternative to public courses for large organizations with at least fifteen attending personnel. Without having to commute the individual attendees and by providing the facility, the cost is greatly reduced per person to only account for training and instructor expenses. It is also private – meaning no other organization’s staff members may attend unless arranged by your company. This ensures your staff has attended and received the same training, and allows for a degree of flexibility and customization of the course material depending on the course chosen. Some courses offered by QAI are completely customizable, using test cases and scenarios specifically addressing your organization’s needs and concerns.

Most often the per person cost for presenting in-house training programs are 40% – 60% less than for public courses. If you or your associates prefer not to travel for training, have QAI bring the seminar of choice to your location.

Delivery costs depend upon the specific course presented. For a no obligation cost quote, contact QAI at or by calling toll free at 1-866-724-6013.