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Leading Self-Organizing Teams

07-Dec-2017 | 03-04 PM (IST)

  • How to form Self-Organizing Teams
  • Stages of teams- Forming, Norming, Storming, Performing
  • What can change a Performing team to become a Norming / Storming one?


Product Backlog – How to manage effectively

14-Dec-2017 | 03-04 PM (IST)

  • Role of a Product Owner
  • What is a Product Backlog
  • Why should it always be maintained up to date
  • Suggestions or Best Practices on how to have a well maintained product backlog



Delivering PSI every Sprint

21-Dec-2017 | 03-04 PM (IST)

  • What is PSI?
  • Are you sure you are developing and delivering every sprint?
  • What are engineering practices that you can integrate in order to deliver a PSI?
