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Design Sprint Master Certification

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“The sprint is a process for answering critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers. Developed at Google Ventures, it’s a “greatest hits” of business strategy, innovation, behavior science, Design Thinking, and more—packaged into a battle-tested process that any team can use.”


Program Description

Developed at Google Ventures, the Design Sprint is a 5 phase framework that allows you to experience and execute Innovation, by actually solving for a REAL business challenge through designing, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers.

Offered in collaboration with the Design Sprint Academy, Berlin, the Design Sprint Master Certification is an end to end training cum certification program that qualifies you to run your own sprints!


About the Session

Great ideas are everywhere. But the path to success is uncertain, even with the greatest ideas. Many traditional companies spend months to develop a solution, to only then find out that customers do not respond to their product. What a waste!

A Design Sprint helps you to save your precious time, energy and resources, by jumping into the future. The Sprint process, developed and embraced by Google Ventures, shrinks what is normally a months-long development cycle, into five intensive days.

In this 5-day session, participants will learn the tools & techniques of the Design Sprint to come up with innovative solutions to their problem statements, know how to set a meaningful challenge for a successful Design Sprint, and will be given an immersive training on how to plan and successfully run a Design Sprint.

This program allows you to not just experience the transformative power of a design sprint but also receive training and certification as a Sprint Master!

Post the Five day training, The certification journey involves the following:

  1. Pass the Theoretical Exam
  2. Pass the Practical Exam and Evaluation

On successful completion become a Certified Design Sprint Master!



QGLUE conducts Design Sprint for Microsoft:



Why you should Attend:

  1. Get certified as a Design Sprint Master
  2. Learn the Design Sprint ground rules and mindsets to confidently run one
  3. Sketch Innovative solutions in no time and test with real customers
  4. Identify and capture stakeholders perspectives and assumptions
  5. Learn to be Designerly in your approach to problem solving
  6. Learn to engage your team towards a common purpose


Frequently asked questions:

Q1. What are the prerequisites and eligibility criteria?
Ans: There is no eligibility criteria set for the course. But it is essential to come with an open mind and be OK with ambiguity.

Q2. What are the requirements for the workshop?
Ans: Laptop is desirable to have but not mandatory. There are no other requirements – software or otherwise.

Q3. What is the duration of the course?
Ans: 5 days (8 hours each day).

Q4. What will be the mode of training?
Ans: Case studies, detailed presentations in classroom, Individual and group exercises and playback, games and field research.


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Design Sprint Master Certification

Rs. 102,000.00

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