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What is
Design Thinking For Digital Experiences

Design Thinking for Digital Experience involves shaping rapid, integrated customer experience and delivering Digital Transformation, imagining entire customer journey that is faster, cheaper, and great to use.

What is
Service Design Thinking

Service Design Thinking is the activity of planning and organising people, infrastructure, communication and material components of a service; delivering the best possible outcomes, with the best possible experience, at the lowest possible price that doesn't induce margin pressure or jeopardize public trust.

To know more, Click Here

Sudhindra V.

QAI’s Designer
in Residence

Former Chief Design Officer,

Founder and CEO of the new age design studio, Design.Unbounded

Author of the book “Design Chronicles – Design is an attitude”.

Former Chief Design Officer for IBM India.

Conducted 100+ workshops mostly involving very senior leaders including C level folks from various organisations.

Regional Co-ordinator for IxDA Asia.

In the field for over 18 years, he has been recognized for his work through awards including ‘Most Innovative Product’ by National Infocomm Awards in Singapore, a ‘Blue Elephant’ at Kyoorius, category best in Interactive Media Awards and Internet Advertising Awards.

Uncover opportunities and hidden potential in your organization

Learn the framework that helps build digital ecosystems

Align various stakeholders and leaders towards a single purpose

Create real business impact over sustained periods of time

Create a culture of design and empathy in your organization

Understand tools and techniques that are shaping the world today


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What will you
Learn & Do at the workshop


Importance of Design and What is Design Thinking
Importance of design in today’s economy; Design Thinking Principles; What is meant by a “digital experience”.


What is Service Design/Design Thinking for Services
Importance of service design in today’s economy and principles of service design


Writing the Problem Statement
Technique to identify and write the right problem statement.


Understanding Stakeholders and Users
Business Goals and priorities, Vision Statement; Techniques to understand digital behaviour of consumers.


Personas, Empathy Maps
Deriving Insights, Segmentation, and Techniques to create Persona and Empathy of Users.


Current Scenarios to identify pain points
Current Journeys of personas and prioritization of focus areas.


Ideation and Prioritization
Ideation tools and techniques.


Psychology based design
Principles of Psychology based design to create meaningful digital interactions.


Future Scenarios and Moments of Max Impact
Visualize the future state and prioritisation the “moments”.


The goals of prototyping; Designing Prototypes.

  • There is no eligibility criteria set for the course. But it is essential to come with an open mind and be OK with ambiguity.
  • Laptop is desirable to have but not mandatory. There are no other requirements – software or otherwise.
  • 2 days (8 hours each day)
  • Case studies, detailed presentations in classroom, Individual and group exercises and games, field research.
  • Single registration: Rs. 30,000 plus tax
  • Get 10% off on a group of 4 or more participants.

Frequently asked

Fast Facts about QAI

QAI is a leading global consulting and workforce development organization addressing ”Operational Excellence” in knowledge intensive service organizations.

Courses offered from 8 Domains
Countries Served

For more information, feel free to get in touch!

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  • For details on Pricing, Schedule or to request a call back, contact here


    In-House Trainings

    Understand how Design Thinking helps organisations discern unmet needs and create value from insights with our In-House Training and Consulting.


    Group Registrations

    It will be an interactive session so bring along your team. We offer special packages for group registrations.

  • Download Design Chronicles by Sudhindra V.

    The download link will be mailed to you after submission.