A role based multipronged assessment solution
QAI’S PM Competency assessment solution
Pre-traning knowledge Assessment
  • Online Knowledge Assessment to determine current Capability.
Skill Assessment
(Case Study Based)
  • Case Study based subjective skill assessment including live coaching & mentoring.
Live Interview
  • Live conversation based subjective assessment of knowledge & skills.

Assess current competency level of PMs.

Benchmark with Industry.

Plan Learning Path for Skill enhancement.

Use assessment results to facilitate Deployment of PMs.

Manage bench.

Make Project Managers Industry ready.

  • Competency Framework customized to client Organization and Frameworks
  • Case Study based Skill assessment covering 10 Knowledge areas.
  • Subjective assessment of Knowledge and Skills through Live Interviews.
  • Facilitates evaluation of Project management Knowledge against 5 core competency areas, and 38 skill areas and 163 skill units through a comprehensive set of 3000+ questions.
  • Provides detailed reports on strengths and weakness at individual and group level Indicates areas of improvement at individual and group level.
  • Leads into development of learning path.
Why PM Competency assessment?
A great organization starts with great employees, and the employees are what an organization is made of. In times of consolidation, it is necessary for every organization to focus on identification, retention, and development of skills required. Firstly, the challenge is the lack of a Competency Assessment Solution for Project Management, and secondly, the lack of scientific, objective assessment focused on Project Management.
Competencies are the knowledge, understanding, practical and thinking skills needed to perform effectively to the standards required in employment. They are identified and demonstrated through sets of behaviours that encompass the skills, knowledge, abilities and personal attributes that are critical to successful role accomplishment.
QAI’s PM Competency Assessment Solution is designed with an objective to assist organizations in making the right decisions on their Project Management workforce. It is based on the widely accepted global standards and best practices and helps organizations by providing an objective role-based competency assessment.

A pool of 600 professionals on bench from 3 PM roles from 4 Technology areas undergo Knowledge & Skill assessment. Assessment results were used to create learning path for candidates and were made deployment ready

160 Project Managers from 4 locations undertake Knowledge Assessment. A Capability baseline for 4 Project Management roles were created to be used for induction, deployment and career progression.

300+ Project Managers undergo Case Study based learning and Skill Assessment.